
The Critical
    Inquiry Lab

The Critical Inquiry Lab is a two-year Master’s program at Design Academy Eindhoven that provides students with an environment to develop a design practice driven by artisti research. The department is rooted in cultural analysis and design theory and principally questions the role of design and designing in relation to the structures, systems and relationalities underpinning our society. Navigating these waters with criticality while als committing to an ethic of care. Bound to an artistic position rather than a specific discipline, we understand design as a cultural signifier and an agent of change.

Masters’ Graduation 2020, Design Academy Eindhoven

The program encourages students to foster an inquisitive attitude towards design in relation to historically grown constructs and how they resonate within the context of local and global communities. We explore ways to sense how the complexities of these visible and invisible systems are embodied and manifest in society’s ethical codes and laws languages, technologies, and power relations. This careful questioning and embodied understanding are crucial to enable meaningful research and (design) contribution towards a more equitable and inclusive future.


The Critical Inquiry Lab holds a broad understanding of how artistic research can unfold into different design interventions, cultural methods, curatorial practices, strategic actions, staged performances, and editorial positions. The development of research methodologies, finding one’s voice, one’s skills, and tools as for one’s artistic research to become public, are key to the program. The Critical Inquiry Lab is a transdisciplinar design course, which aims to foster in-depth critical studies of race, ethnicity, gender, nation and citizenship and the relation between these domains through artistic means. This is how we explore alternative roles and responsibilities for design in relation to material and immaterial ecologies that improve our coexistence with each other, with non-human species and with the planet.