Real Imaginary Futures
Curators: Lukas Feireiss, Lara Schrijver, Institute of Relevant Studies (Giovanni Innella, Agata Jaworska), Piet Vollaard, Roosje Klap, and Saskia van Stein
Graphic identity: Atelier Roosje Klap (ARK)
Spatial design: Lukas Feireiss and Saskia van Stein
COMING SOON: Real Imaginary Futures was an exhibition
about this desire for an imaginary reality: an eclectic overview
of utopian efforts, stories, and practices through the history
of mankind. An extensive archive of illustrative examples,
particularly from Western cultural and visual history, provided
the basis for a genealogy of utopian images and ideas. In
addition, a cinematographic “DocUtopia” was developed
using (historical) references from literature and architectural
elements in film.

Johannes Schwartz